Street Stories - A Ringside Seat To Over 4 Decades Of Taking Jesus To The Streets Of The World

across and see the beautiful Statue of Liberty. So moved by the site of Lady Liberty, I took out my guitar and wrote the song, Message America , that would later become a street ministry anthem. The first line of the song says, “Lady in the New York Harbor standing for freedom…” Dot and I, along with people from across America, participated in many of these outreaches and one year, our young daughters, Amy, Molly, and Emily, were part of the Jesus Loves You, New York outreach too. I will never forget our girls ministering right alongside us as we prayed for drug addicts in Tompkins Square Park, passed out tracts on the subway trains, sang and passed out tracts on the dark and dangerous 42 nd Street, out in front of the rows of XXX Rated Theaters. All the while we were singing about Jesus and praying with people, the New York City prostitutes paraded up and down in front of us, boldly carrying on “the world’s oldest profession.” Also, I will never forget, one of the times ministering on 42 nd Street, about 2:00 AM, Dot had started praying with a prostitute for Jesus to bless her, keep her safe, and radically change her life. Within a few minutes, there was a prayer line of about 10 prostitutes lined up waiting patiently for Dot to pray for them. What an amazing site to see, how God was touching these ladies of the night . Our daughters most certainly had an atypical upbringing, as Dot and I always believed that not only were she and I called by the Lord to take Jesus to the streets and minister to broken people, but we also believed God calls families.

I had gotten word that within minutes after the second plane crashed into the World Trade Center,


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