Street Stories - A Ringside Seat To Over 4 Decades Of Taking Jesus To The Streets Of The World

Chapter 12 New York City – 9/11 “Emergency Day”

P astor W.V. Grant was preaching hard this

particular Sunday morning.

Dot and I, in town from Los Angeles, were at Eagles’ Nest Cathedral in Dallas, Texas, pastored by our brother-in-law, W.V., and Dot’s sister, Brenda. W.V. and Brenda had known each other since they were childhood friends way back when their minister fathers were a part of The Voice of Healing.

Brenda was 12. W.V. was 15. They were each

other’s first boyfriend and girlfriend .

When W.V. was16 years old, God gifted him with a supernatural gift of Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom, and a sharp prophetic gifting. Dot and I had sat under W.V.’s preaching off and on for years, but we had never heard him preach as hard as he was this morning. As we sat on the front row, we heard W.V. shout, “Destruction is coming to America!” His voice trembled with a profound urgency and his prophetic words brought a dire warning. He continued. “I’m telling you this morning, God showed me there is destruction coming upon America, like the world has never seen before ,” he preached. “God has pulled back the curtain and showed me the attack coming upon our nation will make previous attacks seem like child’s play.” prophetic warning that morning, Dot and I glanced at each other, a little bit in disbelief of how he was sounding the alarm. We felt he Throughout W.V.’s


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