Street Stories - A Ringside Seat To Over 4 Decades Of Taking Jesus To The Streets Of The World

We all cracked up laughing at the cultural differences that can be on display when certain words or slang phrases are used. Those same phrases commonly used in America would make no sense in Russia. I think they were pleased with my explanation. One of the things we did at their apartment was to talk, plan and pray to be able to use our backgrounds in music and help launch a Jesus Music Festival in Moscow. I was touched deeply to hear their hearts and visions as they sought to serve Jesus through this music festival. My nightly curfew as a tourist in Russia was about to run out so we decided to head back to the hotel. The area we were in was actually a little bit beyond the area I was officially allowed to be in as an American tourist. So, we felt a little pressure to get me out of the restricted area and back into the region where our hotel was. As one of my newfound friends was driving me back, he lost some of his patience and was speeding a little beyond the limit. Before we could get out of the restricted area, bright, flashing lights glared upon us. They were from a Russian Police car that was pulling us over. God be with us. I stayed slumped own a little in the back seat of the car while my young friends got out and went back to talk to the police. I had my passport in hand just in case I was questioned. A few minutes later the guys came back to the car with bad news. The driver said, “The police pulled us over for speeding and now, they have issued me a citation.” I asked them what was going to happen now.


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