Street Stories - A Ringside Seat To Over 4 Decades Of Taking Jesus To The Streets Of The World

Communist country. It was the late 1980’s . the fall of Communism had begun, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union was near. As we deplaned, Yakov Smirnoff was directly in front of me in line as we approached the Customs and Immigration window. He was worried because this was his first return to his native Russia since he had become a famous comedian in America. Because much of his comedy made fun of Communism and life in Russia, he was worried about how he might be received on his return. I had prayed for him that he would have no repercussions as he returned to Russia. I was praying for our group that we would all be able to uneventfully slip through immigration with our backpacks of Bibles with no problem. I remember when the immigration officer stared sternly at me, looked me up and down with suspicion and then handed me back my passport. The Communist officer had not stamped my passport but handed it back to me with no record of my visit. I was soon to find out everything in Russia was secretive and controlled beyond anything I had imagined. I knew this trip was going to be life changing. Yakov had no trouble getting through immigration and our entire group from America made it through with no problems. God was definitely going before us and making a way. I just stayed close to Dwayne as he had made several previous ministry trips to Russia. I just did what he told me to do.

After a long bus ride from the airport, we arrived at our hotel in Moscow. Right then and there I knew God


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