Sing Into Your Storm
You may be going through a difficult battle right now, and feel the weight of adversity overwhelming you. Perhaps you are experiencing great pain or sorrow right now, and stress is like an oppression that has made your battle weary … As difficult as it is, you have got seize the upper hand in this fight and re-determine the rules of engagement! You can ultimately make the decision as to how you will move forward from this point on. If you attempt to proceed in your strength you will end up burning up or burning out. But at this very moment you do have a choice – regardless of what advantage the enemy may seem to have a hold of right now in your situation. Re-set the rules of engagement on your battlefield right now! You can either continue to try and fight this battle with your determination and self-effort, up against the craftiness of your enemy and all of its excruciating circumstances or you can completely level this war right now by fully relinquishing this battle into the hands of Lord.
So stop ! Follow the biblical mandate right now!
“Cast ALL of your care upon Him, for He cares for you!” (1 Peter 5:7)
It is not a suggestion; it is a command! You can choose to move into praise right now - in the midst of your storm by releasing worship to the Lord, fully surrendering the battle unto the Lord and choosing to trust Him solely ... Let the outcome of this war be of His choosing - because you have relinquished it unto the Lord, the outcome rest squarely on the shoulders of God! Learn to send Judah first into all of your battles!
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