Sing Into Your Storm
In many storms you engage in as a Christian, you do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, might’s, dominions etc. against the very hordes of hell. Whether the attack is a direct demonic assault against you or working through other people and situations, you need to be adequately armed for battle. According to the Word, your battle armor consists of:
1. Belt of Truth. 2. Shod feet – Gospel ready. 3. Shield of faith.
4. Helmet of Salvation. 5. Sword of the Spirit. 6. Continuous Prayer & Supplication
But you must also have your mental and emotional focus set upon the Lord, in order to be fully to be fully prepared!
Your final checklist:
1. Girded up loins of your mind. 2. Mind of Christ. 3. An unoffended heart.
4. Active faith. 5. Agape’ Love. 6. Joy. 7. Peace. 8. Longsuffering. 9. Kindness. 10. Goodness. 11. Faithfulness. 12. Gentleness. 13. Self-control.
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