Sing Into Your Storm
We too are called to go up to Mt. Moriah ( spiritually) , up to the Mountain of Myrrh. We must follow Christ through the Garden of Gethsemane ( pressing, crushing ) and up to the Mountain of Myrrh (the place of death), embracing our cross, that is - the cross of death to self. Jesus requires this of His true followers! Is that the Word of God? The Bible says:
“Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. ” (Matthew 16:24)
The storms in your life help bring you to Gethsemane. Surrendering them fully unto God and embracing His will in the midst of your dark night (through faith and obedience) is the pathway to bearing much fruit in your life, maturing love, greater faith, and commendable discipleship that comes with eternal rewards! Unfortunately, the dark night of the soul often ends up as a dark season of the soul – and not just a night! We must learn to endure. In doing so we will experience failures in this from time to time during our development – just like all the Disciples of Jesus who scattered the night of His betrayal by caving into fear! You become stronger with each passing storm, and more trusting in Jesus and His faithfulness as you learn His ways! The key is to remember is when we fully give over to God whatever the storm is – it has to be with the unconditional understanding that it is now fully His - no matter what the preferred outcome that God chooses to bring forth out of the trial or tribulation! Father knows best!
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