Sing Into Your Storm
of spiritual protocols for handling trials, temptations and tragedies (like have been taught to), but somehow our faith doesn’t seem to fully get traction in the Spirit. We must go by faith when He calls! Failure to act can hinder God from moving on our behalf! Remember the ten lepers who had beeen healed??
“They were healed - as they went forth! ” (Luke 17:14)
The Shulamite woman remained “in her night” and by the time she decided to try and go with Him – her Divine window of opportunity for heartfelt faith had opened and closed, and He was gone!
“ By night on my bed I sought the one I love; I sought Him, but I did not find Him. I will rise now, I said, and go about the city; in the streets and in the squares I will seek the One I love, I sought Him, but I did not find Him.” (Song of Songs 3:1, 2)
Remember what her Beloved said? “ Come with Me ! Let Me hear your voice ! Your voice is so sweet! It’s time for you to Sing !” The raging storms that pound your life from time to time are golden opportunities for actually maturing in holy love for Him. Don’t waste your sorrows , they are Divine opportunities! Could the Shulamite woman have come into that understanding? I think she did! The next chapter says:
“ Do not stir up nor awaken love until it pleases.” (Song of Songs 3:5)
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