Sing Into Your Storm

What an incredible word picture and story! The Shulamite woman is already in love with Him as we see from the first chapter of “ the Song of all Songs . ” In this night season, He comes beckoning her to rise up from the night and come away with Him! Her deliverance has come! He declares to her that her winter season (storm?) has passed, and is now over. He tells her that it is now springtime and the flowers are appearing on the earth and that it is a time for singing - even before the new season had manifested in her life yet! She was invited to go with Him but she did not. She chose to stay in her winter , and justified it by her excuses… Though the Lord’s love fo r her is very strong, and He can easily leap over mountains and skip upon the hills – He does not leap over her walls. She tells Him she loves Him... but she did n’t love Him enough to go with Him! In her mindset day hasn’t broken yet and the shadows are still there. She is still in her night…

“ My beloved is mine, and I am his. He feeds His flock among the lilies. Until the day breaks And the shadows flee away, Turn, my Beloved, And be like a gazelle Or a young stag Upon the mountains of Bether.” (Song of Songs 2:16, 17)

Often this is what people do in the midst of a winter season (or storm). Being Christians, you can go through the motions


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