Sing Into Your Storm
In Psalms 139, the sweet psalmist of Israel, King David, recorded profound revelatory insight into the intentionality of the God of Heaven concerning his life in eternity past – before time ever began, and we know this revelation is reliable because it came directly from the Holy Scriptures:
“ All Scripture is given by inspiration of God .” (2 Timothy 3:16)
David declared in Psalm 139 that:
A. That God knew everything about David (vs. 1-4) B. That God created every part of him (vs. 13, 14) C. That God recorded the secrets of David’s creation be-fore he was ever born - in His Book (vs. 13-16) D.That God had all of fashioned David’s days (ordained them) be-fore there ever was one (vs. 16) E. That God’ s thoughts from eternity about David outnumbered the sands of the seashore (vs. 17-18) In Jeremiah Chapter 1, the Lord makes an extraordinary comment to the young prophet: A. “ Be-fore I formed you in the womb, I knew you; Be-fore you were born, I sanctified you; I ordained you as a prophet to the nations.” Talk about revelation! It might do us well to more definitively understand the choice of words the Lord used in communicating to Jeremiah, and the eternal plans and purposes that God had made concerning Jeremiah, be-fore he was ever born. It would help us to understand as well, that like Jeremiah and David, you too were not just an afterthought in the mind and heart of God from eternity past…. Here is more insight into those words and their meaning: 1. Before : indicates before birth or one’s coming forth
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