Sing Into Your Storm

This revelation then begs the question… Just how long do you think the Lord has been singing over us? Just since the days when Zephaniah recorded his writings? Or is it possible that God has been singing over us for far longer than that? Would it be a reach to you to imagine the Lord singing over you, and about you - all the way back into eternity past? Just consider this… The Bible says that God certainly knew us that far back! Perhaps a closer look at a weight of Scripture will help us see the Lord’s i ntentionality towards us before time:

“…Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love.” (Ephesians 1:4)

“… And that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had pre-pared before-hand for G lory.” (Romans 9:23)

“ For whom He fore-knew , He also pre-destined to be conformed to the image of His Son…” (Romans 8:29)

Holy Wow!! Can Scripture give us an even closer look at this? Yes! There are amazing glimpses in Scripture concerning you that allow you to see what was in the eternal intention of God, and His heavenly orchestration. The Word enables you to see the plans and purposes that the Lord was developing in His mind and His heart from before time! Just to clarify what we mean, what we are talking about is time long before the actual creation of man and this world Perhaps better said, we are simply referring to portions of the Word of God as pointing to eternity past, the time from before the foundation of the earth…


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