Sing Into Your Storm

The song of deborah

“ awake, awake Deborah! ”

eborah like Miriam, was a prophetess. She was just one of only a few prophetesses mentioned in the Old Testament history of Israel. During the times of Deborah, Israel had fallen into deep sin and idolatry and there was great oppression in the land. Israel had been under continual attack and aggression for over twenty years straight at the hands of King Jabin, who was a wicked and cruel Canaanite King, and his merciless Army Commander, named Sisera. The endearing storm in Israel became so intense, the people were fearful of even going out to draw water from the surrounding wells because of the Canaanite marauders would spring forth out of hiding and rob them. After years and years of relentless attacks, the people of Israel did what they should have done all along: How much oppression would you endure before you finally reached a breaking point, and righteous indignation fueled a holy violence to arise up from deep within you? Perhaps you or someone dear to you, might be experiencing a hurricane in your life right now, where powerful gale winds have been pummeling your life repeatedly, and causing an abundance of collateral damage i.e. physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, relationally, etc. “ And the children of Israel cried out to the Lord.” (Judges 4:3)


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