ROMANS Study Guide
God’s True Remnant
2. Paul moves into the teaching of idea of the Remnant and the elect:
a. Paul is clear… God’s plans and purposes had not failed by the
national rejection of Israel. Why? Because only real Jews (the
children of Promise) are truly God’s people…and these (children of
faith) have indeed received their Messiah.
1) Not all those who have descended from Israel (Jacob’ s new
name…Gen.32:28) are Israel (are part of the nation of God).
2) Faith in God’s Promise is what makes us belong to God’s true
family (vss.6-9).
There are two kinds of Israelites
Rom.9:8 makes it clear that we are looking at two kinds of Israelites - one kind is children of
the flesh and the children of promise. God knows from eternity those who will reject God’s
plan of salvation and those who will value God’s promise and become children of faith. Only
children of promise are the true children of God.
3) Paul’s illustration that God’s true (spiritual) children come from
faith…not from natural descent:
a) Abraham had many children but only Isaac was God’s
chosen and promised one.
b) Rebekah had two children (Esau and Jacob) … but God only
selected Jacob before either child was born…so the relation
to God as a spiritual father could not be based on natural
descent. (Mal.1:2-3)
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