ROMANS Study Guide
3. The gift of Resurrection Life! Vss.4b, 11.
a. Again, as Jesus died, we died… as Jesus rose from the Dead…
we also were raised up to live in his resurrected life. We do not
have to earn the right to live a supernatural life in Christ… we
already have it as a gift. This life will be better defined in
chapter eight.
b. This resurrection life is the work of the Holy Spirit enabling us to live
a Christ like life. All that was seen in the life of Jesus is ours…his life
and mind (Phil.2:5) are ours by our faith in Jesus Christ - his power,
his character, his wisdom, his understanding, his suffering, his
rejections, his faith… etc. all belong to us. Paul wanted it all (Phil.
3:10) because by allowing Jesus to live out his life and ministry
through him … he came to truly know Jesus and Father God.
(Jn.14:23) We must then stop limiting our walk in Christ.
c. Here, Paul is speaking of our Identification in Christ: When we
get our identity wrong we then make False assumptions that
distort our walk and effectiveness for God.
1) Paul boldly declares …” for me to live is Christ and to die is gain.”
(Phil.1:21, Gal.2:20; Rom.6:11) Paul totally gives up who he
was and seeks to become who Christ is!
2) Not knowing who we are leads to wrong and false assumptions
about how we are to live in Christ. This is one of the
greater attacks of Satan towards God’s people…he no longer
has power over us but he can lie to us (Jn.8:44) and blind us to
the truth of who we are now. (2Cor.4:4)
a) Satan and the world try and keep us thinking and living as
the natural (carnal) man. (Rom.8:6)
b) Satan wants us to accept the limitations of the natural man
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