ROMANS Study Guide
a. Phoebe is a well-known deaconess who seems to have reputation
beyond her local church and is one who travels in ministry
among the churches (vs.1-2)
b. Priscilla and Aquila we know as fellow apostles and workers of
Paul in the Book of Acts and in other letters of Paul’s (Acts
18:2,18,26, 1Cor.16:19; 2Tim.4:19) Priscilla (the wife) is almost
always mentioned before Aquila in their ministry team because she
most likely had a stronger role in the team.
1) Paul expresses a great debt of Gratitude to this couple and
generalizes this debt to all the churches for what they had
done for the sake of the gospel.
2) Their church seems to be well known to Paul (vs.5;
c. Andronicus and Junia(s)…“who are of note (eminent, notable)
among the Apostles” …
1) Kinsman to Paul…either blood relatives or fellow countryman
2) Fellow prisoners…having been in prison with Paul
3) Who were saved before Paul was … ( meaning they go back to
the very first of the Jerusalem Church in its beginning
formative years).
4) The Name Junia is spelled in some translations in the
feminine form. Prof. William Barclay in his “The Letter to
the Romans” felt these two names are almost certainly a
reference to a husband-and-wife team with the name Junias
be ing a reference to the wife.”
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