ROMANS Study Guide

of the world’s thinking.

1) The world’s ways and thinking are constantly pressuring us.

2) We must guard our hearts in how much of the worlds thinking we

allow to fill our thinking.

b. We must be “transformed” ( Metamorfoo : to change from one

thing to another) in our thinking… this means we completely

change from a “fleshly thinking person” to a “spiritually thinking

person” in our thoughts and actions by the Spirits work in

renewing” ( anakainosis : to renovate, make new) of our minds.

1) The limitation and distortion of the carnal or natural mind is

a primary cause in the “spiritual blindness” of the lost and

carnal believer. Paul is saying we cannot educate people into

spiritual understanding…it must be a spiritual “transformative”

work of the Holy Spirit.

2) Ways to continually develop a spiritual mind:

a) Scripture reading and meditation b) Worship (seeking His presence) 2 Cor. 3:18 c) Fellowship with committed believers d) John 5:19-20 - look for the Lord in your daily walk e) Journal - identify when you see and hear the Lord

A question for your consideration - “How would you lead the people yo u care about into ongoing

spiritual renewal of their minds?

c. Only the spiritually minded can “prove” (test, demonstrate) what is

the good, acceptable and perfect (complete) will of God. (1Cor.2:12-14)

1) The idea of proving here m eans to “test or demonstrate” the very

different spiritual thinking and leading of God over against

the thinking of the natural man.

2) Study Jesus thinking… and see how he was led by God (Jn.5:19)

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