Worship With Me

God? As I allowed the Holy Spirit to work in me, my

life was transformed spiritually from that empty, dry

relationship to one with God that had meaning,

depth, substance and purpose. I encountered a life

changing event just by knowing Him and by seeking

Him fervently. My Father altered my mindset with a

new understanding of worship, and He declared me

a vessel of honor unto him, a vessel of praises. As a

worshiper, I now knew that I am not ordinary or

simple, instead, I am a carrier of the Glory of God

and as a consequence it is imperative to live

according to His principles as instructed in the Word

of God.

Religion (manmade system) shuts out worship

by cultivating empty prayer, empty worship, forms

of goodliness, with absolutely no manifestation of

the power of God or even the manifestation of the

Kingdom of God in one’s personal life.

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