Worship With Me

“ You will seek Me and find Me when

you search for Me with all of Your heart. ”

This resulted in a changed mind-set.

Instead of being committed to religion I was

now committed to a relationship. As a true

worshiper there is a new level of relationship that

exists between you and the Father that explodes and

is transferred even into the congregation for the

glory of God now resides in you.

Clearly, religion no longer had a hold of me. I

was delivered from all the hindrances that obscured

my access to the throne room of God. How can I be a

true worshipper if it is “restricted?” Some of the

things that I observed that restricts worship

knowingly or unknowingly are routine, time,

structure and the one often overlooked, self.

Unfortunately, what I was exposed to was

“empty worship.” Where was the encounter with

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