Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Fourteen

A Breakout Season

I n 1985, Pastor Larry released us to minister at

other churches on weekends. We didn’t realize at the

time that God was preparing us to travel the world. Our

first invitation came from Pastor Don and Kay Couch at

the Assembly of God Church in Mannford, Oklahoma. I

was also invited back to minister at the Assembly of God

church in Comanche, Oklahoma. I attended this church

as a boy.


In 1986, I had the privilege of leading a city-wide

crusade in Wheeler, Texas with most all of the churches

participating. The meetings were held at the high school

auditorium. It was a wonderful week! I still remember

the farmer who led the services declaring each night, “I

just feel like something good is going to happen.”

One night in 1986, Prophet Dick Mills came to

minister at COTR. Jean and I attended, anticipating a


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