Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

A few weeks later, Jean and I knew that our two

year assignment in Holliday was coming to a close. We

prayed and decided to go back into evangelism. I

preached my “ farewell sermon ” at Holliday Assembly of

God on October 19th, 1969. Saying goodbye was very


On the Road Again

Before leaving Holliday, we purchased a small

Spartan trailer and soon we were on the road again with

two small children and lots of faith. Another season and

another assignment had begun.

Our first revival was in Ryan, Oklahoma at the

Assembly of God church, with Pastor Curtis and Arlene

Newton. They became some of our closest friends, along

with their children, Carol, Ronnie, and Greg. We would

have bologna sandwiches almost every night after the

services. One afternoon, during the revival, Pastor

Newton came to visit me in our trailer. I will never

forget what happened that day. The kerosene, in our

trailer, became overheated, and immediately Pastor


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