Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Ten

Darla Jean Gentry

O ur daughter Darla Jean came into this world on

September 7 th , 1968. The birth of our long-awaited baby

girl had finally arrived. She was born at Bethesda

Hospital in nearby Wichita Falls. Jean and I had prayed

for a son and a daughter, and now we had both! We

were so delighted!

Darla was a happy baby and was soon being

passed around from person to person, especially the

young people in the church. She was destined to make

people laugh with her pleasing personality and warm

smile. We took her to Chillicothe, Texas when she was

only one week old. I led a weekend revival for my dad,

who was the pastor of the Assembly of God church

there. Darla and I have made some wonderful memories

together over the years. I remember the times we sang

together at the church in Rush Springs, Oklahoma. Our

favorite song was, Let The Church Roll On , which


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