Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

our friends, Kern and Eddie Faye Choate, pastored.

After that, I had no more invitations, so I invited myself

to preach a revival in our home, which I accepted. I

would go into the den of our home and start preaching

to the wall. I got quite loud because my daddy told me,

“ Son if you can’t preach good, preach loud ! ” The revival

fervor continued, so I gave myself an invitation to

extend the meeting, which I also accepted.

Hours of preaching in our home, on Devonshire

Drive, prepared me for what was about to happen at the

First Assembly of God church in Burkburnett, Texas.

This was the same church where Jean and I had been

married five years previously. The pastor, John Hocker,

had heard about my call to preach, and invited me to

minister on a Sunday night in December of 1966. My

message concluded with an incredible response. People

streamed down the aisles to seek the Lord as the pastor's

daughter, Karolyn Hocker, led the worship. It was

evident that the Holy Spirit was up to something really

big. Before the benediction, and much to my surprise,

Pastor Hocker asked if I could preach again the


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