Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Shortly after, I thought that Jean would need to

learn to play the piano, if I was going to be successful in

the ministry. Jean was willing to cooperate with my

request and became a student of our pastor ’s daughter,

Jeanie Alcorn. We purchased an upright piano with a

mirror in front. I teased her, and said jokingly, that she

could watch herself practice. I was listening to her

practice one day and it dawned on me that she was not

going to learn how to play the piano. The Holy Spirit

spoke to me, that just having her partner with me in

ministry was sufficient. Therefore, I released her from

that expectation, and we sold the piano. Jean was very


Getting Started

Soon after I was called to preach, my youth

pastor invited me to preach my first sermon. I was

nervous, but very excited. I could hardly wait to get

started. I don ’t remember what I preached about, but I

knew this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my


My second invitation to preach came from the

Assembly of God church in Archer City, Texas, where


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