Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

I responded by setting my alarm for 2:00 the next

morning. When the alarm went off, I heard myself

saying “ oh no ,” but another voice said to me “ oh yes.” I

didn’t realize this would be the most important

assignment in my life, giving God the first hour of my

day. During this time, I found a sanctuary, a private

place to pray in the den of our home, where I would

meet with the Lord. It was there that I learned the three

steps to a successful prayer life: Desire, Discipline and

Delight. The two main reasons I pray are to know God

and to know what he wants me to do.

My Call to Preach

David Wilkerson had come from New York City

to minister at Southside Assembly of God on a Sunday

night in June of 1966. I was eager to hear him after

reading his book, “ The Cross and The Switchblade .” His

preaching was incredibly anointed, and my heart

burned within me. The response to his message was

overwhelming, as people streamed to the front to

receive ministry. I was operating the sound system that

night, but quickly forgot about my duties, while falling


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