Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Eight

The Call


E ven though I enjoyed my job at the radio

station, I was becoming discontented, and felt quite

empty inside. One cold winter morning, as I started

driving to work, I asked the Lord, “ what can you do for

me ? ” Immediately, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “ give me

the first hour of your day and I’ll change your life .” I

didn’t know at the time if I was hearing right, because I

was already getting up at 3:00 in the morning to start my

engineering duties at 3:30 and host a radio show at 4:00.

It seemed as if the Holy Spirit didn't know what time I

was getting up, so I rehearsed my morning schedule

with Him, expecting a reply such as, “ sorry about that

Dale, I didn’t know you had to get up so early. Don’t worry

about t hat one.” But instead, He repeated the same words

again, and the decision was mine. I instantly knew, in

that moment, what I was supposed to do.


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