Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

growing several feet high in front of the building. There

was an old parsonage, and there was no indoor

plumbing. It was quite embarrassing to have my friends

knowing that I had an outdoor toilet.

We quickly moved forward by taking the

padlock off the church door, cutting down the Johnson

grass, cleaning the church, and doing some quick

remodeling in the parsonage. It was definitely a faith

move, because we had no financial support. We

received monthly commodities, which included Spam,

flour, sugar, and a big block of American cheese.

We started having regular services, and for

several months we had the exact same attendance,

which included Brother and Sister Broach, Sister Jewel,

my mom and dad, and myself. We all came to the

platform and sang to the empty pews. I played my

guitar, which I had learned to play two years before. My

dad preached long and loud every Sunday morning,

Sunday night and Wednesday night. He also preached

on main street most every Saturday afternoon. He may


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