Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

“ come home Dale, it’s supper time.” While growing up, I

was taught to work. I sold Grit Newspapers, pulled

cotton, mowed lawns and worked at a grocery store.


When I was in the 6th grade, I entered a 4-H speech

contest. I practiced my speech for several weeks. On the

day of my speech, I was feeling quite confident, until I

was distracted by a boy in the audience, who was

seemingly mocking me. I soon forgot my lines and sat

down in total humiliation. I thought, “I will never speak

in public again.” However, God had different plans.


In 1957, we moved to Temple, Oklahoma, where

my dad was appointed by the Assemblies of God to be

the pastor in that small town of 1200 people. I hated to

leave my Comanche friends, but I always wanted to

support my mom and dad in their ministry assignments.

I’m sure the Holy Spirit put that in my heart from an

early age, since he was preparing me for ministry. There

was no one attending the church at that time, because

there was a padlock on the door and Johnson grass


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