Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

That same year I experienced another miracle.

My two-year-old nephew, Gary Berry, was rushed to the

hospital in critical condition. I remember the doctor

telling my sister and brother-in-law that their son might

not live. Following that report, my dad went to a local

pastor, Curtis Ledbetter, and asked him to help him

pray for his grandson. My dad and Pastor Ledbetter

spent the night in prayer at Gospel Beams Church in

Duncan, Oklahoma, interceding for Gary. As the sun

was rising the next morning, Pastor Ledbetter turned to

my dad and said, “ Brother Gentry, you got your prayers

through.” My dad returned to the hospital to find my

nephew eating ice cream, completely healed! He

recently celebrated his 70 th birthday! God is a good God!


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