Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

We arrived at the church about 9 o’clock in the

morning. My dad and I went into the church in search

of the man of God, while my mom waited in the car. We

found the pastor in the prayer room surrounded by

approximately one- hundred prayer warriors. I

remember my dad approaching Pastor Hibbard,

explaining that we had driven from Oklahoma, and that

my mother needed a miracle. We asked Pastor Hibbard

if he would be willing to pray for my mom. He

immediately followed us out to the car, where my

mother was waiting. This man of faith laid his hand on

my mother's head and prayed a short and simple prayer

of healing.

The next day my mother went to the doctor for a

final examination before her surgery, and the doctor

surprisingly announced to my mom that she didn’t need

surgery after all. “ The prayer of faith shall save the sick and

the Lord will raise her up .” An incredible lesson of trust for

a young boy!


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