Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

can run fast.” And then he would start running fast. Then

I would say, “ Billy Bob, you can run, and you can run fast. ”

Then he would conclude the same scenario by saying,

“ Mr. Gentry ” and I would say, “yes, Billy Bob” and he

would say, “ I can mow, and I can mow fast.” And then he

would go all over the front lawn acting like he was

pushing a lawn mower, to which I would reply, “ that's

good Billy Bob, you can really mow, and you can mow fast. ”

Each time he would be waiting for my affirmation.

At the time, I felt that I was doing a good deed by

spending time with this little boy that had no father in

the home. But actually, he was in the process of making

a lifetime impression on me, and thousands of others

that would hear the story. I’m still repeating those

words when I need to encourage myself, I simply say, “I

can walk, and I can walk fast. I can run, and I can run fast. I

can mow, and I can mow fast. I can do all things through Jesus

Christ which strengthens me!” I’m declaring that over eac h

of you today!


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