Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Thirty-Four


W hat more shall I say? Looking back over the

pages of my life, it would take several more books to

mention the names of all the wonderful people who

have sown into my life over the years. I’m thankful and

grateful for all my partners and friends who have

contributed to my life and ministry.

I would like to conclude with one of my most

requested stories. Shortly after Jean and I were married,

we lived in a small trailer in Comanche. There was a

little boy who lived across the street, whose name was

Billy Bob. He often came over to visit me while

proclaiming the same thing each time. “Mr. Gentry, I can

walk .” I would respond by asking , “ Billy Bob, you can

walk ?” And he would say, “ yes, watch this .” And he

would start walking really fast. Billy Bob would soon

return with the words, “ Mr. Gentry. ” And I would

respond, “ yes Billy Bob .” He would say, “ I can run, and I


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