Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

without complaining. We have truly enjoyed our lives

together. We start each day with coffee, conversation,

and prayer. Jean has spent countless hours helping to

edit this book for me. I’m thankful for her skills and her

patience. It’s very evident that I couldn’t have ever

made this journey without her. I love her with all of my


Giving Honor

I’m grateful for those who have served as my

pastors over the years, giving honor to the shepherds

who have watched for my soul. This list includes O.C.

Gentry, David Roper, C.A. Snodgrass, J.W. Thomison,

Franklin Blair, Kenneth McGee, Carl Alcorn, Larry Lea,

Larry Hayashida, Ron Dryden, Bob Nichols, and Bill


I’m thankful for those who have served me in the

medical field, including Dr. David Remedios, Dr. Robert

Whited, Dr. Steve Smith, Dr. Kevin Lewis, and others.


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