Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey


Celebrating Mrs. America

In 2023, Jean and I celebrated our 62nd wedding

anniversary and 56 years of full-time ministry. This has

been a big year! It seems like we have spent our whole

lives together. I can’t imagine what life would have been

without Jean. When I was called to preach in 1966, she

immediately said that she would go wherever I go. She

has stayed true to that promise, traveling with me

millions of miles across America, and nations of the

world. I call her Mrs. America, and she is the godliest

woman I know. It would take another book to express

my love and gratitude for Chloe Jean Gentry. She has

loved me and stood with me through many seasons,

standing right by my side to celebrate the good times,

and encouraged me during the challenging times. She is

not only a wonderful wife, but also an incredible mother

and grandmother. She loves her family dearly and is

always there to help. She is truly a Proverbs 31 woman.

She always works behind the scenes to make sure

everyone in our family is taken care of. She has sat on

the front row through thousands of church services


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