Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Bob and Joy Nichols serving our pastors. We continued our traveling ministry at churches which we were in relationship with. It was during this season that the Holy Spirit spoke to me about mentoring prophet ic sons. I responded and invited Don Couch, Lawrence Neisent, Tony Miller, Jeff Kenney Todd Mooring, David Remedios, Jon Ogle, Jamie Peters, Art Evans, Randy Henderson, Don Labro and Cedric van Duyn.


40 Years in Full Time Ministry

In 2007, Jean and I celebrated 40 years in full

time ministry. It was a great night, hosted by

Calvary Cathedral in Fort Worth. Lots of family

and friends came to help us celebrate and rehearse

memories we had made since 1967. Special music

was provided by Jerry and Pam Alcorn, Jackie Guinn,

and Big John Hall. I received many congratulatory

messages, including a letter from David Wilkerson,

who wrote, “I remember the night you were called to

preach, and I laid hands on you and prayed for you.”


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