Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Gateway Chapter Ends


I n 2006, we felt our season at Gateway Church in

Roswell was completed. It was a difficult transition,

leaving our congregation, and saying goodbye to our

children and grandchildren. In June, we preached our

farewell sermon and laid hands-on Rick and Linda

Rapp, as new senior pastors of Gateway Church. We

will always treasure the memories that we made while

leading Gateway Church. Our guest ministers included

Bob Nichols, Tom Peters, Lawrence Neisent, Tony

Miller, Eddie Hyatt, Bob Shafer, David Remedios,

Robert and Pam White, Garland and Beverly Bilbo,

Todd and Cyndy Mooring, Leeland Mooring, Jack

Mooring, Charles Martin, Tom Autry and Evander


After leaving Roswell, we moved to Argyle,

Texas, and became members of Calvary Cathedral, with


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