Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

September 11th

On Monday night, September 10, 2001, during a

service at Gateway, a spirit of intercession came upon

me. I immediately called the congregation to the front

and asked them to pray. Following the service, I spent

much of the night in prayer, not knowing what was

about to happen the following morning. I believe those

prayers of intercession possibly saved many lives on

9/11. God is a good God!


Praying for The Vice-President

While serving as pastor at Gateway Church in

Roswell, our membership included a state senator, who

had won the republican nomination for Lieutenant

Governor. He asked me to pray for him and the

nominee for governor as they started their campaign.

We also prayed with Steve Pearce, a candidate for

congress and his wife Cynthia. While praying, I began

to prophesy these words, “ Jean and I will be coming to

Washington DC to visit you. ” Two days later, Steve won


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