Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Hunter. He wanted to hold it first, before giving it a

name. It was almost dark when he finally got it out of

the water, holding it with both hands, he said, “his name

is King!” We were all happy that he finally named his

fish! When Hunter was about six years old, he told his

mom and dad he wanted to take a family vacation and

wanted Papa and Mamaw to go too. We drove from

Roswell to Branson, Missouri, and had a wonderful time


We made a lot of great memories while watching

Hunter play sports. He played baseball in Roswell and

football, basketball and soccer in Austin. He graduated

from high school in Dripping Springs, Texas. He also

attended community college in Austin. His

administrative and managerial gifts and skills have

brought him many promotions.


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