Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Twenty-Four

Hunter Gentry


H unter Dale Gentry was born on August 18,

1998, in Fort Worth, Texas . I had been praying for a

grandson to carry on the Gentry name. Hunter was a

pleasant baby with a great smile. I remember buying

him some cowboy boots, and a cowboy hat, when he

was about two years old. He said he wanted to be a

cowboy preacher. I remember Hunter going to

Amarillo, Texas with us on a ministry trip, and him

asking if he could sing that night before I preached. He

practiced throughout the day on his song, “ Mary Did

You Know .” We made a lot of great memories on that trip

with our grandson.

While living in Roswell, New Mexico, Gary

Thomas built us a small pond with a waterfall. Our

grandchildren wanted us to buy each one of them a fish

to put in the pond. They all named their fish, except for


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