Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey
Soon after my mom and dad were married, the
stock market crashed, and the Great Depression was
well underway. Times were very hard. My dad was
finally able to find a job hauling rock and lumber for ten
cents an hour. He would also stand in a long line each
week for government commodities, which consisted of
a small box of food.
It was during these Dust Bowl days that my dad’s
life changed forever. Even though he was raised in
church, he had never been saved. It was my Uncle Bill
Cline that led my dad to Jesus. My mother was saved
shortly afterwards, and they were both soon baptized in
the Holy Spirit.
My Sister
My sister Wynell was born in 1934, ten years
prior to my arrival in Marlow, Oklahoma. I have great
memories of my sister, always caring for her little
brother. I was only five when she married her
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