Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Oklahoma. Her father made a living as a vegetable

farmer. She did not grow up in a Christian home and

spoke very little about her childhood.


In 1930, my mother and her family journeyed

from Oklahoma to West Texas, after hearing that cotton

pickers were needed. Times were hard and very few

jobs were available in Oklahoma. My dad and his

brother-in-law drove into Paducah one Saturday night,

looking for cotton pickers. Miraculously, they met my

Grandpa Wilson and his family, and hired them on the

spot, to work on my Grandpa Gentry’s farm.

It was in those cotton fields where Orbe Gentry

and Delia Wilson fell in love. After a short courtship,

they traveled back to Oklahoma, where they were

married in Lawton. They started their new life together

in nearby Marlow, a small town where my mother had

lived prior to moving with her family to Texas.


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