Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Birtill, who drove two hours each night to attend the

services. Little did I realize that he would later lead

worship in many of my services in England, Germany,

and America.

Wembley Stadium

We concluded the month-long revival with a

music and prayer gathering at Wembley Stadium that

attracted 45,000 people. Noel Richards and Gerald

Coates hosted that incredible day. Jean and I had the

honor of sitting in the Queen ’s section, and I led a time

of prayer. Martin Smith & Delirious, Matt Redman, Sue

Rinaldi, Caroline Bonnett, Chris Folsom, and others

sang. Noel Richards concluded the event by singing,

“Jesus Champion of The World.”

Breakout Prayer Network

In 1997, I started Breakout Prayer Network with

a vision to mobilize a thousand churches and cities to

pray for revival in America, another spiritual

awakening. The Holy Spirit told me to pray until there

was a major revival in every major city in this nation.


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