Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Twenty

The White House

I t was during this season, in 1995, that a lady

from our nation's capital came to one of the prayer

services in Fort Worth and invited me to come and lead

prayer at the White House. Anita Scoggins, and her

husband Bill, were prayer leaders for the White House

employees. Jean and I accepted the invitation. We

received documents to sign for security clearance and

flew to Washington DC. We were met by our friends

Gary and Teresa Patterson, who made the journey to

pray for us during our time of ministry. When we

arrived at the White House, Jean and I were given

authorization to enter. We had a long walk, passing by

the ceremonial office of V.P. Al Gore. We then made our

way to our designated prayer place, which turned out to

be the former office of George H.W. Bush, when he

served as Vice President. Jean and I were left alone for a

few minutes, waiting for the prayer meeting to begin.

We stood there, looking out the window and saw the


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