Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey
During the fifth week of the revival, a lady in the
congregation shared with me that her marriage had
been healed, after being divorced from her husband for
19 years. As she walked away, the Holy Spirit promptly
spoke to me that “revival has begun .” The next morning,
a man who had been crippled for 11 years was instantly
healed and began running around the 2,000-seat
auditorium. That same day, in the evening service, a
woman who was legally blind was healed. The
breakthrough had begun, with miracles and many
coming to Christ!
In May, Evangelist Tim Storey joined me for
several days of ministry at Calvary Cathedral. Tim
would minister at night, and I continued to lead the
morning prayer services. Tim gave a tremendous boost
to the revival with his anointed ministry of signs,
wonders, healings, and miracles. After Tim left, I
continued leading both services. Soon, hundreds of
people were traveling to Fort Worth to attend the prayer
revival. They came from many different geographical
locations, including 13 nations.
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