Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

teenager, but during her life she was a strong, godly



My maternal grandfather Edward Daniel Wilson

was born in 1873 and lived to be 95 years old. I have

great memories of my Grandpa Wilson. He taught me

about hard work and how to laugh. He was a little man,

but I can still see him pushing that plow, preparing the

ground to plant his annual crop of okra, which he would

sell on the streets of Marlow.

In his later years he had an encounter with the

Lord and would share his testimony with anyone who

would listen. On one occasion in 1967, he came to visit

us in Holliday, Texas, where we were pastoring our first

church. On Sunday morning I had asked him to testify,

but he started preaching to our small congregation. He

declared that, “ some people get a little touch and then they

go bac k”. He kept repeating this declaration, much to the

delight of the congregation.


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