Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

he married my grandmother, Jennie Outlaw.

They migrated to West Texas in 1896, where my

grandfather was able to purchase 220 acres of farmland

near Paducah. It is there they raised their 10 children,

including my dad, Orbe Clyde Gentry. They were

godly people who took their children to the local Baptist

Church every Sunday in Chalk, Texas, where

mandatory attendance was required.

During that time, my future gift of public

speaking began to take shape when my grandpa Jim

bought a telephone company, where he would

broadcast the news each evening to his 175 customers.

There was no radio, newspaper, or television, so his

daily newscast was in high demand.

My paternal grandmother, Jenny Gentry, was a

faithful wife and mother. She left her family in

Mississippi to move to a farm 18 miles from the nearest

town, where she devoted her life to her husband and 10

children. Sadly, she passed away when my dad was a


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