Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

clogged. My sister and I visited with the surgeon and

were told that he didn’t have long to live, but O.C.

Gentry would not receive that report. He said, “I’m not

going to die. I’m going to live!” He changed his diet and

continued with his prison ministry. He lived about eight

more years and went to heaven at the age of 92!

Gathering Manna

In 1991, I recorded my first prayer series entitled,

“ Gathering Manna, ” giving believers an opportunity to

pray, daily with me, for one hour. Joe and Becky Cruse

led the worship for the series. I received a lot of

testimonies, including one from Bill Shannon, a

businessman who said he learned how to pray by

listening to those cassette tapes each morning. Bill is

now a prayer leader on BPN Radio and is a faithful

supporter of this ministry.

Doctorate Degree

In 1991 , I graduated from New Covenant

International Seminary with a Doctor of Ministry

degree. I will always be grateful to the president, Dr.


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