Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

was our home church. We started in November 1991,

and continued for 16 weeks. We had prayer services

twice daily. Hundreds of people came to soak in the

anointing and receive a word from the Lord. This was a

season of miracles. My friends, Jim and Dianna Howard,

and Gary and Lora Matthews, invited me to come to the

hospital in Oklahoma City and pray with them while

their dad was having heart surgery. Soon a grim-faced

doctor appeared, saying he would n’t be able to perform

the bypass procedure because of Mr. Howard's age and

physical condition. He said he might have a few weeks

or months to live. They asked if I would go to their dad’s

room and pray with him. I entered his room to say a

short prayer and immediately heard The Voice say, “ Tell

Mr. Howard I’m going to give him five more years to live. ” I

obeyed the Holy Spirit, and he immediately received the

word and lived 12 more years!

Then came another miracle. During this season,

my dad was having heart issues, so he came to

Oklahoma City for tests, and possible surgery. The

results revealed that his arteries were completely


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