Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Henry Malone. The prophetic word given by Dick Mills

was being fulfilled. A complete list of pastors, churches and

cities are recorded in the back of this book.


Larry Lea was hosting a pastor’s

conference in Dallas. I was preparing posters in the back

room, when I heard someone yelling my name, saying,

“ Pastor Larry is calling for you !” I quickly made my way

into the auditorium, where he and Evangelist James

Robinson were standing. Pastor Larry introduced me to

600 guests and said, “ you need to have this man come and

minister in your church. He leads prayer better than me .” By

nightfall, my calendar was full, and a new season had

begun! I will always be grateful to Larry Lea for his

major introduction and endorsement!

Circuit of Churches

In 1986, I became a prophetic voice to a group of

pastors and churches. The Holy Spirit had given me a

word from 1st Samuel 7:16,17 “ He (Samuel) went from

year to year on a circuit to Bethel, Gilgal and Mizpah, but he

always returned to Ramah, for his home was there.” This


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