Next Steps 2.0 - Moving To Maturity

3. Our education and religious training.

Most of us are the products of our education. We spend many of our formative years in the classrooms of people who taught us the “3 R’s” of reading, writing and arithmetic. But in reality, they taught us so much more than that. All of these teachers came to the classroom with their own personal viewpoints and ways of looking at the world. In addition, most schools used textbooks and other learning materials that were created by people who had their own interpretations of history, ethics, religious persuasions and events. Some have even had a personal agenda promoting a social order that was not at all consistent with biblical morality. Often times things were taught as fact that in reality have very little scientific proof. Many of these things are in direct contrast to what God has to say about life, sexuality, social order and the nature of man.

Question to Ponder: “Can you think of something that you were taught by a parent or other authority figure that you have now come to no longer believe?”

Personal Notes: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

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