I Appeal To Caesar!

interpreting as well as writing Scripture, a man totally devoted to both Jews and Gentiles. His life on earth was a walking example of Godly dedication to the entire Church of the ages. Every inhabitant of heaven knows him and has read his Scriptural writings. As the announcement proceeds, all eyes automatically turn toward the large group called “the dedicated ones.” Although many in heaven wear shining crowns, to the elite martyrs alone, those who have given their lives for the sake of the Gospel, is given the special “Martyr’s crown.” They are of the highest order. The special messenger will surely come from the ranks of “the dedicated ones!” The most recent martyrs to arrive from Planet Earth are in the front rows, and without ceasing their ranks increase with crowds of new arrivals.

The voice of the Master now thunders: “ Saul of Tarsus, Paul an apostle and martyr of the World Church of Jesus the Christ, Servant of the Most High God, come forward!”

The assembled multitude of martyrs opens like a zipper, and a passageway back to the martyrs of the first century is made.

One of that illustrious number moves forward,

glowing like a brilliant incandescent light.

A hush falls over the great congregation, as the beloved Paul the Apostle approaches and kneels before his Lord and the gathered church in heaven. God’s voice continues:

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